

PyFR 2.0.1 can be installed using pip and virtualenv, as shown in the quick-start guides below.


It is assumed that the Xcode Command Line Tools and Homebrew are already installed. Follow the steps below to setup the OpenMP backend on macOS:

  1. Install MPI:

    brew install mpi4py
  2. Download and install libxsmm and set the library path:

    git clone
    cd libxsmm
    make -j4 STATIC=0 BLAS=0
    export PYFR_XSMM_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/lib/libxsmm.dylib
  3. Make a venv and activate it:

    python3.10 -m venv pyfr-venv
    source pyfr-venv/bin/activate
  4. Install PyFR:

    pip install pyfr
  5. Add the following to your Configuration File (.ini):

    cc = gcc-13

Note the version of the compiler which must support the openmp flag. This has been tested on macOS 13.6.2 with an Apple M1 Max.


Follow the steps below to setup the OpenMP backend on Ubuntu:

  1. Install Python and MPI:

    sudo apt install python3 python3-pip libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin
    pip3 install virtualenv
  2. Download and install libxsmm and set the library path:

    git clone
    cd libxsmm
    make -j4 STATIC=0 BLAS=0
    export PYFR_XSMM_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/lib/
  3. Make a virtualenv and activate it:

    python3 -m virtualenv pyfr-venv
    source pyfr-venv/bin/activate
  4. Install PyFR:

    pip install pyfr

This has been tested on Ubuntu 22.04.

Compiling from source

PyFR can be obtained here. To install the software from source, use the provided installer or add the root PyFR directory to PYTHONPATH using:

user@computer ~/PyFR$ export PYTHONPATH=.:$PYTHONPATH

When installing from source, we strongly recommend using pip and virtualenv to manage the Python dependencies.


PyFR 2.0.1 has a hard dependency on Python 3.10+ and the following Python packages:

  1. gimmik >= 3.1.1

  2. h5py >= 2.10

  3. mako >= 1.0.0

  4. mpi4py >= 3.0

  5. numpy >= 1.26.4

  6. platformdirs >= 2.2.0

  7. pytools >= 2016.2.1

  8. rtree >= 1.0.1

Note that due to a bug in NumPy, PyFR is not compatible with 32-bit Python distributions.

CUDA Backend

The CUDA backend targets NVIDIA GPUs with a compute capability of 3.0 or greater. The backend requires:

  1. CUDA >= 11.4

HIP Backend

The HIP backend targets AMD GPUs which are supported by the ROCm stack. The backend requires:

  1. ROCm >= 6.0.0

  2. rocBLAS >= 4.0.0

Metal Backend

The Metal backend targets Apple silicon GPUs. The backend requires:

  1. pyobjc-framework-Metal >= 9.0

OpenCL Backend

The OpenCL backend targets a range of accelerators including GPUs from AMD, Intel, and NVIDIA. The backend requires:

  1. OpenCL >= 2.1

  2. Optionally CLBlast

Note that when running on NVIDIA GPUs the OpenCL backend may terminate with a segmentation fault after the simulation has finished. This is due to a long-standing bug in how the NVIDIA OpenCL implementation handles sub-buffers. As it occurs during the termination phase—after all data has been written out to disk—the issue does not impact the functionality or correctness of PyFR.

OpenMP Backend

The OpenMP backend targets multi-core x86-64 and ARM CPUs. The backend requires:

  1. GCC >= 12.0 or another C compiler with OpenMP 5.1 support

  2. libxsmm >= commit bf5313db8bf2edfc127bb715c36353e610ce7c04 in the main branch compiled as a shared library (STATIC=0) with BLAS=0.

In order for PyFR to find libxsmm it must be located in a directory which is on the library search path. Alternatively, the path can be specified explicitly by exporting the environment variable PYFR_XSMM_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/


To partition meshes for running in parallel it is also necessary to have one of the following partitioners installed:

  1. METIS >= 5.2

  2. SCOTCH >= 7.0

In order for PyFR to find these libraries they must be located in a directory which is on the library search path. Alternatively, the paths can be specified explicitly by exporting environment variables e.g. PYFR_METIS_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/ and/or PYFR_SCOTCH_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/


To run the [soln-plugin-ascent] plugin, MPI, VTK-m, and Conduit are required. VTK-m is a supplimentary VTK library, and Conduit is a library that implements the data classes used in Ascent. Detailed information on compilation and installation of Conduit and Ascent can be found in the respective documentation. Ascent must be version >=0.9.0. When compiling Ascent a renderer must be selected to be compiled, currently PyFR only supports the VTK-h option that comes with Ascent. The paths to the libraries may need to be set as an environment variable. For example, on linux you will need:


Currently the plugin requires that Ascent and Conduit are 64-bit, this is default when compiling in most cases.